That Conference 2014 - It's Almost Here!

(and there's piles of awesome)

The Pitch

That Conference 2014 (Aug. 11 - 13) could very well be the time of your life [weddings, children and first dates not-with-standing], but if you don't attend, you'll never know. Over 150* presenters and nearly 1000* [or more] of your closest friends are scheduled to be there... and have I mentioned the bacon smores?!? Seriously, just wander over and take a look at the amazing speaker filled schedule and wonder how you could possibly survive without all this community and technical training goodness.

There's a catch though, ticket sales close next Monday (Aug. 4)! Come join our amazing community of developers [and their families] at what is sure to be one of the year's premier technical conferences.

What we're doing

OK, so sales pitch aside, I've been given the amazing opportunity to run a 3-day Robotics Camp at the conference this year. Why is this amazing? Seriously? Did you not just hear me say 3-Day Robotics Camp? The camp will be held as part of That Conference's Family Track and will take place during the normal session times throughout all three days. We'll be using the VEX IQ robotics system and walking kids through the process from a bin full of parts to a finished robot, with a side of competition and a kicker of badge ribbons.

There have been a lot of folks involved in making this thing a success, but I'll save that for the postmortem report. For now head over and check out our Day 1 abstract and then get those tickets purchased. We look forward to seeing you there!


Did I mention it's all happening at a freaking Waterpark!

* Numbers are estimated to protect the innocent (and also because I don't have exact numbers)